In Serbia during the protests injured almost 60 people
In Serbia, 56 people were slightly injured during protests against the government. As President Aleksandar Vucic stressed, mass riots were avoided.

News - Serbia faces large-scale protests

أكثر من 100 شخص محتجزين أثناء الاحتجاجات في الأرجنتين

Likhachev: Serbia has a great desire to become a nuclear power

In Sochi, seven people were injured in an accident on the highway

In the Tambov region three people died, two were injured in a fire in the house

تجمع الاحتجاجات الطلابية الجماعية في بلغراد الصربية 000 31 شخص

During the underground operation in Avdiivka, Russian soldiers did not sleep for two weeks

News at 20:00 - Anti-government protests take place in Serbian capital

قُد في شيبيكينو لأسبوع إصلاح أكثر من 60 قطعة سكنية

قُد South Urals - 60 people will be trained in the Heroes of the Southern Urals management program
📝 ملخص
In Serbia, 56 people were slightly injured during protests against the government. As President Aleksandar Vucic stressed, mass riots were avoided.
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