In the state Duma told about the actions necessary for eviction from a rented apartment
In the state Duma told about the actions necessary for eviction from a rented apartment

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the law against fraud on the phone and the Internet

اسمع! In the state Duma offered lawyers to help the elderly for free

اسمع! In the state Duma proposed to form a new migration policy

وقتنا In the state Duma proposes to kill neglected animals and register pets

في ولاية (دوما) تريد العودة إلى مشروع قانون تسمّي المخدرات للسائقين

في مجلس الدوما سيعرض مشروع قانون بشأن المدفوعات إلى ربات البيوت بقيمة الحد الأدنى للأجور

اسمع! In the state Duma called one of the reasons for the lack of training: to blame historically developed disrespect for the profession of teacher

In the state Duma proposes to introduce criminal liability for owners who do not monitor their pets

In the state Duma introduced a bill that will allow to teach in colleges students of universities of senior courses

اسمع! The state Duma introduced a bill that will allow to teach in colleges students of universities of senior courses

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the law against fraud on the phone and the Internet

اسمع! In the state Duma offered lawyers to help the elderly for free

اسمع! In the state Duma proposed to form a new migration policy

وقتنا In the state Duma proposes to kill neglected animals and register pets

في ولاية (دوما) تريد العودة إلى مشروع قانون تسمّي المخدرات للسائقين

في مجلس الدوما سيعرض مشروع قانون بشأن المدفوعات إلى ربات البيوت بقيمة الحد الأدنى للأجور

اسمع! In the state Duma called one of the reasons for the lack of training: to blame historically developed disrespect for the profession of teacher

In the state Duma proposes to introduce criminal liability for owners who do not monitor their pets

In the state Duma introduced a bill that will allow to teach in colleges students of universities of senior courses

اسمع! The state Duma introduced a bill that will allow to teach in colleges students of universities of senior courses
📝 ملخص
In the state Duma told about the actions necessary for eviction from a rented apartment
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