News - Work is underway at the collision site of cargo trains on the Trans-Siberian Railway
At the Chalgany-Ushumun extension of the Trans-Baikal railway, where the descent and collision of the carriages of two cargo trains occurred, work is underway to eliminate the consequences. كان هناك ما مجموعه 26 عربة لا إصابات فتحت قضية جنائية.

الأخبار - في كيرش، المعرض وصل، وضعت في سيارات "فيكتوري تراينز"

The movement of trains on the railway section near Yaroslavl was restored

Video from the site of the gas explosion in Tobolsk

أخبار At the site of the accident with a train near Yaroslavl, restoration work continues

News of the week - Ether from 16.03.2025

News - Tankers storm the positions of the APU near the Krasnoarmeysk

News - Footage of extinguishing the fire in the Kaluga region

Vesti-Chita - SVO veteran Mikhail Slovesnov helps save the lives of Trans-Baikal residents

روسيا 24. Chita- نبّه عبر (بايكالتسيف) عن مُصابين بمرض الدخان يُرسلون فيروسات تحت ستار الصور

أخبار الأسبوع - سلام مستنقع واشنطن مكسور -
📝 ملخص
At the Chalgany-Ushumun extension of the Trans-Baikal railway, where the descent and collision of the carriages of two cargo trains occurred, work is underway to eliminate the consequences. كان هناك ما مجموعه 26 عربة لا إصابات فتحت قضية جنائية.
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