قُد Krasnoyarsk - In the village of Zykovo, Berezovsky district, a case of bullying against a schoolboy with disabilities is being investigated
وظهر فيديو التسلط على الشبكة في اليوم السابق. The case was taken over by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin.

بعد وفاة فتى مدرسة (شيلابينسك) في حريق فتح قضية

In the Soviet district of Krasnoyarsk presented the concept of improvement of the Park Guards

Dr. Krasnoyarsk - Ecological modern of industrial enterprises of the city continues in Krasnoyarsk

In Krasnoyarsk establish the circumstances of the death of a worker at the construction site

قُد Krasnoyarsk - In the Krasnoyarsk regional oncology dispensary launched a new linear accelerator

In Krasnoyarsk on suspicion of receiving a bribe detained a former police officer

قُد In Krasnoyarsk arrested a former high-ranking police officer

قُد (كراسنويارسك) أحد أطفال مدرسة (دودين) لديه هواية غير عادية: صبي عمره 11 عاماً يجمع مجموعة من أقنعة الغاز

قُد Krasnoyarsk - In Krasnoyarsk changed the scheme of traffic at the railway station

Defenders of the fatherland from the village of Kurakino
📝 ملخص
وظهر فيديو التسلط على الشبكة في اليوم السابق. The case was taken over by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin.
📌 العلامات:
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