قُد (كراسنويارسك) مقابلة - مارينا ليمان، نائبة وزير الاقتصاد والتنمية الإقليمية في إقليم كراسنويارسك

Interview with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Regional Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Marina Leiman about how the federal project “State for People” will change the lives of residents of the region.

📝 ملخص

Interview with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Regional Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Marina Leiman about how the federal project “State for People” will change the lives of residents of the region.

📌 العلامات:

قُد GTRK Krasnoyarsk الأخبار المقيدة Krasnoyarsk
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