قُد The court sent Coulibaba behind bars for 10 years
قُد The court sent Coulibaba behind bars for 10 years

In St. Petersburg, Kulibab was given 10 years for organizing murders

Drive. St. Petersburg Ether from 17.03.2025 (11:30)

أخبار الثقافة

In KhMAO, the former chief of police was given 14 years for selling drugs

تلقت السلطة الجنائية في نوفوسبيرسك أكثر من 8 سنوات من الاستعمار

The former head of the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory faces 6 years in prison in the case of the metro

علماء سوشي وجدوا شظايا العظام في كهف أختار

حصل ساكن كاريليا على عقوبة السجن لمدة 10 سنوات بتهمة إشعال النيران بطريقة متعمدة في سانت بطرسبرغ.

The court sent the former mayor of Belgorod to the colony for ten years

" EXpert RA " : The debt burden of the Russian regions fell to a minimum in 10 years
📝 ملخص
قُد The court sent Coulibaba behind bars for 10 years
استنتاج واضح من قضية قبل ثلاثين عاماً In St. Petersburg, the court announced the verdict of the former head of the Free Struggle Federation Vladimir Kulibaba and two of his alleged accomplices. The so-called criminal authority Kulibabu was sent to prison for 10 years for a double murder and assassination attempt, which he committed several decades ago. وشركاؤه تم تبرئتهم.
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