قُد The head of administration in Altai was shot by a former subordinate
قُد The head of administration in Altai was shot by a former subordinate
قُد The head of administration in Altai was shot by a former subordinate

The moment of the murder of the head of the district in the Altai Territory was caught on video

SHOT: The head of the district in Altai was shot dead by the former head of the Committee on youth Affairs

The head of the district in Altai was killed by two shots, a suspect in intensive care

علّق حاكم ألتاي على جريمة القتل في مقاطعة زافيلوفسكي

In the murder of the head of the district in the Altai Territory suspected his subordinate

وفي ألتاي، عندما غادر المقهى، أطلق النار على رئيس إدارة مقاطعة زافيالوفسكي قتيلا

The camera filmed the murder of the head of the Zavyalovsky district of the Altai Territory

الدافع لقتل رئيس المقاطعة في ألتاي يمكن أن يكون نزاعاً على الموقف

وسجل المسجل لحظة اصطدام مباشر في إقليم ألتاي

Suspect in the murder of the head of the district in Altai transported to Barnaul hospital

The moment of the murder of the head of the district in the Altai Territory was caught on video

SHOT: The head of the district in Altai was shot dead by the former head of the Committee on youth Affairs

The head of the district in Altai was killed by two shots, a suspect in intensive care

علّق حاكم ألتاي على جريمة القتل في مقاطعة زافيلوفسكي

In the murder of the head of the district in the Altai Territory suspected his subordinate

وفي ألتاي، عندما غادر المقهى، أطلق النار على رئيس إدارة مقاطعة زافيالوفسكي قتيلا

The camera filmed the murder of the head of the Zavyalovsky district of the Altai Territory

الدافع لقتل رئيس المقاطعة في ألتاي يمكن أن يكون نزاعاً على الموقف

وسجل المسجل لحظة اصطدام مباشر في إقليم ألتاي

Suspect in the murder of the head of the district in Altai transported to Barnaul hospital
📝 ملخص
قُد The head of administration in Altai was shot by a former subordinate
The head of the administration of the Zavyalovsky district of the Altai Territory Nikolai Onishchenko was shot by his former subordinate - 45year-old Anatoly Fenin. وبعد مقتل المسؤول، هرب المشتبه به في سيارة. عندما تم القبض عليه حاول الانتحار فين في المستشفى الآن The head of the Zavyalovsky district Onishchenko was shot dead on the morning of March 4 while leaving the cafe.
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