The case of mass infection with hepatitis and HIV in Nalchik went to court

The prosecutor’s office of Kabardino-Balkaria sent to the court the materials of the criminal case on the infection of 71 people with hepatitis C in a private sanatorium in Nalchik, the supervisory authority said.

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The prosecutor’s office of Kabardino-Balkaria sent to the court the materials of the criminal case on the infection of 71 people with hepatitis C in a private sanatorium in Nalchik, the supervisory authority said.

According to the investigation, from September 2022 to November 2023, sanitary and epidemiological rules were violated in the sanatorium: non-sterile medical devices were used, the requirements for their disinfection, sterilization were not observed, and disposable products were also repeatedly used. As a result, 71 people were diagnosed with viral hepatitis C, including five cases of HIV infection. وشرع في قضية جنائية ضد المدير العام للمصحة، وطبيب متخصص وممرضة. ووفقا لدور كل منهما، وجهت إليهم تهمة انتهاك القواعد الصحية والوبائية، مما أدى إلى مرض جماعي للناس من خلال الإهمال، والإصابة بمرض شخص آخر مصاب بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية بسبب عدم أداء واجباته المهنية. The case materials were sent to the Nalchik City Court for consideration on the merits.

📌 العلامات:

الأخبار المقيدة التهاب الكبد جنائية زلشيك فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية/الإيدز الملاذ حادث المناطق

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