The fight against pediatric oncology is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Health of Russia
The highest incidence in children is the first five years of life, in second place - adolescence. وفي معظم الأحيان، يعاني الأطفال من سرطان الدم وورم الدماغ. According to statistics, every year 12 people per 100 thousand children fall ill with cancer in the country, in the Arkhangelsk region - 15.

المقابلة 24 - رئيس إدارة توفير الأدوية التابعة لوزارة الصحة في إقليم بيكال العابر، يانا لوسكوتنيكوفا

قُد The Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk region commented on dismissals in the center of disaster medicine

Vesti-Kursk - Overview of the events of the week from the press service of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Kursk region

Vesti-Birobidjan - EAO was visited by the chief freelance cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Sergey Boytsov

The creator of “Road radio” Andrei Mikhailov died of oncology

Vesti Pomorie - Expert landing of the Ministry of Natural Resources for the first time landed in the capital of Kenozer region

In the village of Prepure Yaroslavl region, the opening of the Eternal Flame took place

The Governor of Tomsk region congratulated residents on the Day of Defender of the fatherland

حصل خريج من أكاديمية كوستروما للدفاع عن البوسنة والهرسك على عنوان بطل روسيا

قُد سكان (بيلجرود) انضموا إلى سباق الكتلة الروسية "سكي من روسيا-2025"
📝 ملخص
The highest incidence in children is the first five years of life, in second place - adolescence. وفي معظم الأحيان، يعاني الأطفال من سرطان الدم وورم الدماغ. According to statistics, every year 12 people per 100 thousand children fall ill with cancer in the country, in the Arkhangelsk region - 15.
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