Vesti - Amur Region Quadcopter from Blagoveshchensk entrepreneurs delivered to the addressees in the zone of SVO
Vesti - Amur Region Quadcopter from Blagoveshchensk entrepreneurs delivered to the addressees in the zone of SVO

Vesti - Amur Region Veteran of the SVO from Belogorsk at the Cup of Defenders of the fatherland entered the top 30 best athletes in the country

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)

فيستي - منطقة أمور فيدباك من خط المواجهة

فيستي - معرض منطقة أمور "غراني - آرت" فُتح للمقيمين في عمر في بلاغوفيشنسك

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 20.03.2025 (21:10)

Vesti - Amur Region Veteran of the SVO after demobilization engaged in patriotic education of Amur schoolchildren

Cybersportsmen competed in Dota-2 at the regional tournament Digital Amur

فيستي - منطقة أمور The third collection of stories of veterans and participants of the SVO presented in BSPU

Vesti - Amur Region Fijital Championship was held in the Amur capital

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 19.03.2025

Vesti - Amur Region Veteran of the SVO from Belogorsk at the Cup of Defenders of the fatherland entered the top 30 best athletes in the country

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)

فيستي - منطقة أمور فيدباك من خط المواجهة

فيستي - معرض منطقة أمور "غراني - آرت" فُتح للمقيمين في عمر في بلاغوفيشنسك

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 20.03.2025 (21:10)

Vesti - Amur Region Veteran of the SVO after demobilization engaged in patriotic education of Amur schoolchildren

Cybersportsmen competed in Dota-2 at the regional tournament Digital Amur

فيستي - منطقة أمور The third collection of stories of veterans and participants of the SVO presented in BSPU

Vesti - Amur Region Fijital Championship was held in the Amur capital

Vesti - Amur region Ether from 19.03.2025
📝 ملخص
Vesti - Amur Region Quadcopter from Blagoveshchensk entrepreneurs delivered to the addressees in the zone of SVO
تقنية تنقذ الأرواح وسلم المروحية، التي اكتسبت بمساعدة منظّمي الإنقاذ، إلى مقاتلي عملياتنا الخاصة. وقد تلقت أخبار من الجبهة عمدة عاصمة أمور.
📌 العلامات:

🔗 مشاركة
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