Jährlich werden in der Region Lipetsk 1000 Impfstoffe gegen 27 Krankheiten hergestellt.

Unter ihnen sind Grippe, Hepatitis B, Masern, Diphtherie und Poliomyelitis.

📝 Zusammenfassung

Unter ihnen sind Grippe, Hepatitis B, Masern, Diphtherie und Poliomyelitis.

In the Lipetsk region, annually more than a million people are vaccinated against 27 dangerous infections, including influenza, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, rubella, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, poliomyelitis. The head of the regional health department, Anna Markova, shared statistics on vaccines and toxoids administered in her Telegram channel. Earlier, doctors reported that more than 95% of children in the region are vaccinated against measles. Doctors are concerned about imported cases not only of this disease, but also of diphtheria, poliomyelitis from regions where these infections are still prevalent, for example, from Central Asia.

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krankheit infektion impfstoff Likör impfung Lipetsk Region GTRK Likör
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