Became known weather on March 8 in Tomsk

In Tomsk on March 8, relatively warm and cloudy weather is expected. The average temperature during the day will be 4 degrees of frost. This is reported by the service "Yandex-Weather".

Became known weather on March 8 in Tomsk
Lesezeit: 1 min
17 mal angesehen

📝 Summary

In Tomsk on March 8, relatively warm and cloudy weather is expected. The average temperature during the day will be 4 degrees of frost. This is reported by the service "Yandex-Weather".

On March 8, mostly cloudy weather is expected in Tomsk and the Tomsk region with little precipitation in the form of snow. The air temperature in Tomsk will range from -3 ° C to -6 ° C during the day, and at night it will drop to -9 ° C. Wind is expected to be weak, southwest, at a speed of 3-5 m / s. Humidity will average 73%. Earlier, we talked about how residents of Tomsk shared information about what budget they plan to allocate for gifts by March 8. Men are ready to spend about 4500 rubles on gifts, and about 3,500 rubles on bouquets.

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