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Local time. Saturday. Amur region. Ether from 15.03.2025

Local time. Saturday. Amur region

Local time. Saturday. Amur region. Ether from 15.03.2025

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Local time. Saturday. Volgograd. Ether from 15.03.2025


Local time. Saturday. Volgograd. Ether from 15.03.2025

Local time. Morning. Amur region. Ether from 18.03.2025


Local time. Morning. Amur region. Ether from 18.03.2025

Local time. Sunday. Krasnoyarsk. Ether from 16.03.2025


Local time. Sunday. Krasnoyarsk. Ether from 16.03.2025

Vesti is the Amur Region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)


Vesti is the Amur Region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)

Local time. St. Petersburg. Ether from 17.03.2025


Local time. St. Petersburg. Ether from 17.03.2025

Weather is 24. Amur region. The new cyclone will bring in the Amur region plus temperature, as well as wet snow and ice phenomena


Weather is 24. Amur region. The new cyclone will bring in the Amur region plus temperature, as well as wet snow and ice phenomena

Local time. Sunday. Mari El Ether from 16.03.2025


Local time. Sunday. Mari El Ether from 16.03.2025

Economics. Amur region. Gasoline prices at Russian gas stations next month will grow by 9.5% by April 2024


Economics. Amur region. Gasoline prices at Russian gas stations next month will grow by 9.5% by April 2024

Local time. Sunday. Ural. Ether from 16.03.2025 (14:30)


Local time. Sunday. Ural. Ether from 16.03.2025 (14:30)

Vesti-Volga region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (09:30)


Vesti-Volga region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (09:30)

Local time. Saturday. Volgograd. Ether from 15.03.2025


Local time. Saturday. Volgograd. Ether from 15.03.2025

Local time. Morning. Amur region. Ether from 18.03.2025


Local time. Morning. Amur region. Ether from 18.03.2025

Local time. Sunday. Krasnoyarsk. Ether from 16.03.2025


Local time. Sunday. Krasnoyarsk. Ether from 16.03.2025

Vesti is the Amur Region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)


Vesti is the Amur Region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (21:10)

Local time. St. Petersburg. Ether from 17.03.2025


Local time. St. Petersburg. Ether from 17.03.2025

Weather is 24. Amur region. The new cyclone will bring in the Amur region plus temperature, as well as wet snow and ice phenomena


Weather is 24. Amur region. The new cyclone will bring in the Amur region plus temperature, as well as wet snow and ice phenomena

Local time. Sunday. Mari El Ether from 16.03.2025


Local time. Sunday. Mari El Ether from 16.03.2025

Economics. Amur region. Gasoline prices at Russian gas stations next month will grow by 9.5% by April 2024


Economics. Amur region. Gasoline prices at Russian gas stations next month will grow by 9.5% by April 2024

Local time. Sunday. Ural. Ether from 16.03.2025 (14:30)


Local time. Sunday. Ural. Ether from 16.03.2025 (14:30)

Vesti-Volga region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (09:30)


Vesti-Volga region. Ether from 17.03.2025 (09:30)

📝 Summary

Local time. Saturday. Amur region

<div class="brand-main-item_body"> <p>Begin Saturday morning with useful information. The presenters acquaint the audience with interesting news, important economic, social and cultural events. </p> <p> Local time. Saturday. Amur Region is special reports, expert comments, fascinating infographics. </p> </div>

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