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RF IC: contract killer and his accomplice detained in LPR

In the Luhansk People’s Republic, the killer and his accomplice who tried to shoot a man in February 2025 were detained.

RF IC: contract killer and his accomplice detained in LPR
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📝 ملخص

In the Luhansk People’s Republic, the killer and his accomplice who tried to shoot a man in February 2025 were detained.

وقد أبلغت عن ذلك إدارة التحقيق التابعة للجنة الدولية للاتحاد الروسي في المنطقة. It is noted that the detainees were charged under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( " Illegal acquisition, carrying firearms, ammunition for firearms "), Articles 30 and 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( " Attempted murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy " ). According to the investigation, at the end of February, the detained killer shot at least 16 times at a car parked near a cafe on Lenin Street in Luhansk. ونتيجة لذلك، أصيب سائق السيارة بجروح متعددة. ووجد محققو لجنة التحقيق أن هذه المحاولة أمر بها وخططت بعناية. وأنشئت هوية الجاني وشريكه في أقرب وقت ممكن. One of the attackers tried to leave the territory of the Russian Federation, but he was detained at the Moscow airport and transferred to Luhansk. وخلال عملية التفتيش، عثر على قاذفات قنابل يدوية وقنابل يدوية وأكثر من 000 1 قطعة من الذخيرة. وخلال الاستجواب، اعترف المشتبه بهم. وقد تأكدوا فيما بعد أثناء اختبار مسرح الجريمة. The offenders chose a preventive measure in the form of detention. ويواصل موظفو إنفاذ القانون جمع وتوحيد قاعدة الأدلة. During the interrogation, the detainees gave confessions, which were confirmed during the verification of testimony on the spot. وقد حكم عليهم بالحبس الاحتياطي. ويتواصل جمع وتوحيد قاعدة الأدلة.

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