The head of the Samara polyclinic was arrested for fraud for 95 million

The chief doctor of one of the clinics in Samara was detained on suspicion of fraud. The medical facility was damaged by 95 million rubles.

The head of the Samara polyclinic was arrested for fraud for 95 million
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📝 ملخص

The chief doctor of one of the clinics in Samara was detained on suspicion of fraud. The medical facility was damaged by 95 million rubles.

In addition to the chief physician, the chief accountant of the institution was also detained. وهذا ما أبلغت عنه دائرة الصحافة التابعة للوحدة الدولية للاتحاد الروسي في المنطقة في قناة التلغراف. According to the investigation, in the period from 2020 to 2024, the management of the clinic concluded a contract for the sale of medical products at an unreasonably inflated price. " إن هذا الاتفاق ليس له معنى اقتصادي " ، كما جاء في البيان. ونُقلت الأموال إلى حساب المنظمة، حيث تعرضت العيادة لأضرار مادية. وقد بدأت قضية جنائية بموجب المادة " فرود " . ويجري حاليا البت في مسألة اختيار الشخص المشتبه فيه تدبيرا وقائيا. During the searches, two cars worth more than 15 million rubles were seized from the detainees.

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