وأصيب طفلان في حادث وقع في الشارع الجنرال دزوسوف
As a result of the incident, two minors aged 5 and 6 were taken to the DRCB in Vladikavkaz for examination by doctors.

تم العثور على جثة رجل في فلاديكافكاز أثناء وجوده الجاف

In a serious accident at the DMS in Moscow injured three people

توفيت امرأة عمرها 54 عاما في حريق في فلاديكافكاس

خمسة أشخاص أصبحوا ضحايا لإصطدام السيارات في كاراشاي - شيركسسيا

SHOT: the head of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lut was in an accident in the center of Moscow

In the Leningrad region pensioner died after an accident with special vehicles

قُد Alya Vladikavkaz honoured the best specialists and managers of the housing and communal services system

Vladikavkaz connection of Regardie - 30 years

In an accident on the highway M-11 Moscow — St. Petersburg killed two people

بيّنت الجماعة الأوروبية لباشكيريا الشقة التي قتل فيها الحريق 5 أطفال ورجل

تم العثور على جثة رجل في فلاديكافكاز أثناء وجوده الجاف

In a serious accident at the DMS in Moscow injured three people

توفيت امرأة عمرها 54 عاما في حريق في فلاديكافكاس

خمسة أشخاص أصبحوا ضحايا لإصطدام السيارات في كاراشاي - شيركسسيا

SHOT: the head of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lut was in an accident in the center of Moscow

In the Leningrad region pensioner died after an accident with special vehicles

قُد Alya Vladikavkaz honoured the best specialists and managers of the housing and communal services system

Vladikavkaz connection of Regardie - 30 years

In an accident on the highway M-11 Moscow — St. Petersburg killed two people

بيّنت الجماعة الأوروبية لباشكيريا الشقة التي قتل فيها الحريق 5 أطفال ورجل
📝 ملخص
As a result of the incident, two minors aged 5 and 6 were taken to the DRCB in Vladikavkaz for examination by doctors.
السيارة (ميرديس) ضربت هيكل البناء As a result of the incident, two minors 5 and 6 years old were taken to the DRCB in Vladikavkaz for examination by doctors, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic reports. أزال محاربو الحرائق مركبة الطوارئ لمنع الحريق.
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