The court sent a Muscovite under arrest for 10 days for the repost of an extremist movie
The Dorogomilovsky court of Moscow sent under arrest for 10 days a resident of the capital for the fact that he posted on his page in the social network the film “Britainheads” (recognized in Russia as extremist material, included in the Federal list of extremist materials)

The Moscow court confiscated the cougar from the Deputy Tatarintsev

Director of Astrakhan Criminal القانون الصادر بحق الطفل

مسكوفيت تبادل 330 ألف دولار لتذاكر النكات المصرفية

عضو في رابطة كيروف المقاتلة محتجز لتشويه سمعة الجيش الروسي

Muscovite detained for driving with a child on a scooter

TASS: the fighting for the village of Dniproenergy in the south of the DPR

وأظهرت المجموعة الشمالية نتائج عملها في منطقة بلغورود الحدودية

The film of the Trans-Baikal director “Aunt, you are under arrest” took 1st place at the ArtMasters contest

قُد The film of the Khabarovsk consumption was recognized as the best at the international festival of tourist cinema

نائب حاكم منطقة روستوف راشالوفسكي أرسل رهن الإقامة الجبرية

The Moscow court confiscated the cougar from the Deputy Tatarintsev

Director of Astrakhan Criminal القانون الصادر بحق الطفل

مسكوفيت تبادل 330 ألف دولار لتذاكر النكات المصرفية

عضو في رابطة كيروف المقاتلة محتجز لتشويه سمعة الجيش الروسي

Muscovite detained for driving with a child on a scooter

TASS: the fighting for the village of Dniproenergy in the south of the DPR

وأظهرت المجموعة الشمالية نتائج عملها في منطقة بلغورود الحدودية

The film of the Trans-Baikal director “Aunt, you are under arrest” took 1st place at the ArtMasters contest

قُد The film of the Khabarovsk consumption was recognized as the best at the international festival of tourist cinema

نائب حاكم منطقة روستوف راشالوفسكي أرسل رهن الإقامة الجبرية
📝 ملخص
The Dorogomilovsky court of Moscow sent under arrest for 10 days a resident of the capital for the fact that he posted on his page in the social network the film “Britainheads” (recognized in Russia as extremist material, included in the Federal list of extremist materials)
According to TASS, the Muscovite was found guilty of distributing extremist materials. لقد نشر الفيلم المحظور على صفحته في قسم "فيديو" وهكذا كان متاحاً بحرية لمشاهدة وتأليف عدد غير محدود من المستخدمين اعترف المدعى عليه بذنبه بالكامل وندم على ما فعله The decision to recognize the paint as extremist was taken by the Kirov District Court of Tomsk on July 21, 2009.
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